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In 2013, Powell was the Producing Artistic Director of TimeWave, an international festival that fused technology and theatre to explore the theme of “Transformation” in the 21st century. The festival was hosted by Innovation Warehouse, a leading British accelerator in London. Among TimeWave’s sponsors and supporters were Arts Council England, Walt Disney Imagineering, Hathersage Capital Management, Vidyo, Telestream and Yelp.

TimeWave gathered over 75 artists and streamed in new work from London, New York, Los Angeles, Singapore, Madrid and Montreal.

The festival aimed to bring audiences together to experience a performance that was simultaneously theatrical, cinematic, and Internet-driven, and where audiences could contribute via social media and telepresence.

By using telepresence and broadcasting technologies that have been migrated to the cloud, TimeWave explored a new code for an international live arts event. Theatre from multiple locations were live streamed into a single performance, enabling local audiences to travel around the world and never leave their seats.

Current technology integrates HD video, audio and interactive tools, which results in a powerfully immersive experience. By combining technology and production design, local and remote artists and audiences felt as if they are existing in the same time and space.

Powell was responsible for conceptualizing the festival, recruiting artists, vetting content, funding, sponsorships and partnerships. For more info: please visit

TimeWave Setup